A short history
In the 17thcentury the monk Chikurinbo founded the line Heki-ryu Chikurin-ha. During the first Meiji period (1868-1912), Japan, closed for centuries, was swiftly westernised and Kyudo stood in danger of disappearing.
During this period, Honda Toshizane (1836-1917), a pupil of Heki-ryu Chikurin-ha was professor of Kyudo at the Imperial University of Tokyo. He devoted his life to unifying the different early practice styles, particularly certain styles of warrior origin and ritual styles practiced at court. Consequently Kyudo had a rise in popularity.
Honda senseï
Following the death of Master Honda, O Uchi Sensei (father) his pupil, took over from him at the Imperial University as teacher to the ruling emperor. He founded his own dojo which he named FUBOKAN, “The unforgettable house” as a tribute to his master's teaching.(1931)
Fubokan, "The unforgettable house"
O Uchi senseï (father)
O Uchi Sensei (son) succeeded his father at the Fubokan of Tokyo. After several years at the O Uchi Dojo Bernard Bleyer returned from Japan in 1981 to form a group.
O Uchi senseï ( son)
O Uchi Kyudojo
Fubokan - Tokyo
We have had the great fortune to be taught by Master Susuki who succeeded him following his death in 1988. He gave the small group which formed in France the name “Fubokan de France”. The Master has shared his practice, his knowledge of the world of the bow, by coming to France several times as well as welcoming us in Japan. He has taught us to love the bow and to understand our own path.
Suzuki senseï
In this way the chain of teaching is brought about. It now exists from the Masters of our Masters to their Masters.
The sincere gratitude to each correction is spread through these links. As in each séance or with each draw, the approach is new, the study starts again and the relationship begins again.
Bernard Bleyer
Kyudojo - Toulouse
Kyudo is not difficult, Kyudo is difficult, according to the waves which move our lives, but it is enough to love the bow for no particular reason, to be happy to shoot, to have the joy to repeat the right movements, without specially expecting a result. The archer loves to shoot, he uniquely tastes this mysterious moment, inexplicable, disconcerting, which is the moment of release. He experiences this mysterious moment, at the moment of release,unsettling and inexplicable. So he boldly enters into it with all his heart. He only needs the intuition that there is something there, there in the heart of the Bow, and that he must comply without expecting anything.
Kyudojo - Maulévrier
The first book by Bernard Bleyer: “Instants”
This book is available at the following address:
Bernard BLEYER
Sainte Oule
tél./fax: 05 61 90 09 41
Et le tout dernier : Ourse-Papillon (janvier 2018)
After "Instants", a short collection which paved the way for the “taste” of words which came to me . And so OURSE PAPILLON was born.
Bernard Bleyer
Inspired by the practice of Kyudo and Aikido over a period of more than 40 years, poetry, the contemplation of nature and reflections on the way of the bow are interwoven.